
What is a social proof? Which are the social proofs your website must have?

September 7, 2018

Social proof is gaining popularity in marketing as an ultimate persuasive tool. You must be wondering what a social proof is. It is nothing but the proof that your business or your brand has been well received by its customers and therefore associating with your business is a socially approved ‘smart choice’ to make for any new customer too.

These evidences are what makes all the difference between a customer making the payment immediately or thinking a few times before they even think about your offerings or may be, not even considering your website to make purchase from, for once!

Yes, it is great that you have an amazing and aesthetically appealing website which sells your equally amazing product. However, the very fact that it is being sold online, requires you to furnish some historical data or proof of the social approval to help them decide more quickly on your offerings.

When we look for a good Chinese restaurant nearby, for example, we go to trusted websites such as Zomato to check out the ratings and reviews received by every restaurant in this category. This guides us to make an opinion and then, take the decision on which one to visit. This is an example of our need for social approval and finding social proof that a service provider is good and their offerings are good and worth opting for.

So, having understood the concept of Social Proof, here are some of the Social Proofs you MUST consider for your website to possess, in order to help them decide on choosing your offerings over those of your competitors:

Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials hold a vital place in any website these days for the obvious reasons. Apart from applauding your business, a good testimonial usually talks about your customers’ pain points and the need for the services along with what benefits your offerings provided them with and how it helped them resolve their problems. In this process, somewhere down the line, the USPs of your business also get highlighted which set you apart from your competition.

Logos of your Big League Customers

If you have some popular, known and trusted brands who have taken your services and who would approve of your services, it is a great idea to feature their logo on your website. In this way, the trust of their customers which these brands have earned over the years will help your brand enjoy some credibility as well.

The Number of Customers served

Once your website has served a number of customers to be proud of, this can be used as another social proof since, a high number of happy customers served is proof that the new customers are also likely to be treated in the same way. And more importantly, a big number of customers who opted to associate with your brand also speak volumes about your quality offerings which attracted all the business.

Case Studies

Case studies are the success stories about how a particular customer came to know about offering, why they opted for it and how it helped them resolve their problem. This is a powerful social proof that goes beyond a customer testimonial in explaining the situation in all the details and thus, helping you connect with a prospect at a deeper level with a situation described which maybe precisely their situation as well.

Media Mentions

If your business has been mentioned in the media such as the newspapers, press releases, trusted websites, unsolicited reviews or the influencer blog articles, this goes a long way in earning social approval for your business. If your business has been mentioned in media anywhere, it is a great opportunity to showcase your success on your website as a social proof to inspire more credibility for your website and your offerings.

Want to learn all about the social proofs and the ways to integrate them into your website? Contact us and our team of experts will help you implement this quickly.

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