
Google’s Panda Now Part of Its Core Ranking Algorithm

February 26, 2016

There was a huge buzz in the SEO industry when webmasters noticed a significant drop in the website rankings. Everyone thought it was because of Google Penguin or Panda Update. However, later it became clear that Google has included Panda algorithm as a part of core Google algorithm.

Google Panda was previously a ranking filter with a task to focus on quality of the web pages.

Let’s first understand what Google’s Core Algorithm is

Andrey Lipattsev, a Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, said in regard to what core means:

It is less about the functionality, which means it probably doesn’t change that much over time, and it is more about how we perceive it, in the context of the algorithm. Do we still think this is an experimental thing, it is running for a while and we aren’t sure how long it will last? Or is it like PageRank, it is part of it, it will always be there, at least in the foreseeable future and then probably call it in certain context part of the core algorithm.”

How it got confirmed that Google Panda is a part of Google’s Core Ranking Algorithm?

Google confirmed the update to Jennifer Slegg over at The SEM Post.

Panda is an algorithm that’s applied to sites overall and has become one of our core ranking signals. It measures the quality of a site, which you can read more about in our guidelines. Panda allows Google to take quality into account and adjust ranking accordingly.”

This tweet from Google’s Gary Illeys confirms that Panda is a part of the algorithm now. But this is yet to be updated.


How to recover from Google’s Panda?

  • Use Original Content: The world of internet is all about Content. Content has to be unique and original. Google doesn’t like presenting stale content to its searchers.
  • Use Quality Content: Simply posting original content will won’t work either. The content posted must provide some value to the user. This is Google’s main aim. To give people what they are searching for.
  • Don’t Over Advertise: Sites with extra advertisements and poor navigation were also hit with the Panda Release. Sites which only aim to show ads and provided poor user value were seriously impacted. Google simply aims to provide better user experience.
  • Use the Power of Social Media Signals: Social Media Signals are very powerful. The total number of tractions which we get on social media, also helps in establishing a good rank.
  • Encourage Commenting: More is the number of interactions on the page better it is. Comments signify that people are taking interest in the content and interacting with the author. This will also help in improving the ranking.
  • Edit the Old Content, Rather than Removing it: It’s not always a good idea to remove the old content. Sometimes the old low quality content can be edited and converted into high quality content.

So Now what Will Happen to Panda?

Google has become more confident about the working of algorithm of Panda. From a ranking filter now it has become a part of the main algorithm. Main function of Panda is still the same to filter high quality content from the low quality ones.


